Lately, I have been finding these amazing blogs that people have been continuously updating. I find myself enlightened by the thoughts that people share. I thought, hey, I have good ideas. Maybe someone would like to read my great ideas. I have three little kids and not a lot of time, but I would like to attempt to jot down the thoughts that I have for the classroom. I wish I would have started last year, when I started to Flip my classroom, but there is no better time than NOW!
Here is what is going on in my classroom at this point in time.
In French 2, we started a GIGANTIC PBL Unit (Project Based Learning). I had been dwelling over the 4Cs of Common Core and I really wanted to have my students CREATE and COMMUNICATE with native French speakers in mind. Last week, I handed my students a packet that consisted of a list of the objectives that they needed to know by the end of the "unit", as well as a list of three things that they needed to create. They will need to create a practice activity for fellow classmates that involved the two verbs that I wanted them to learn, they need to create a video lesson that teaches how to use object pronouns in the past tense, and (the best of all) they will need to create a video that shows our school. They are learning vocabulary that has to do with school, so they will create a video to show French students what a typical American high school is like. Their BIG question...What is the difference between a French high school and an American high school. Their task...research and create.
The most exciting part of this... we have partnered with a class in Lille, France. My students are communicating with these students to find out information about the French high school experience in order to compare it to their own.
Today is day 4 of the project and my kids are so excited about the opportunity to speak with the French students. It is so exciting to see their excitement in class. Yesterday, when they were posting on Edmodo and reading what the French kids had to say, they were giddy with enthusiasm. It is so cool.
I will continue to post as we journey through the PBL. It is so fun!
Hi! Great blog. It's super hard to keep a blog going so you have great effort! One question I have is: How did you get in touch with the class in Lille?